REPSX is a special fork of PCSX emulator, geared towards sprite ripping and rom-hacking, also modified PCSX-r to easy compilation and hacking. It uses only SDL and compiles into a monolithic executable.
To compile and run game simply type "make && ./repsx cd1.bin cd2.bin …" If you have gcc and SDL setup, everything should go well.
To setup key bindings, just hit ESC go into Input menu
Shift + F1 to F7 = save state F1 to F7 = load saved state F8 = undoes last load
A = starts/stops making screenshots under ./snaps/ V = view RAM: clicking SHIFT+LMB here sets write breakpoint, clicking SHIFT+RMB - breaks on read. Press B to remove all breakpoints; B = view RAM in hex N = view VRAM: clicking SHIFT+LMB here sets write breakpoint, clicking SHIFT+RMB - breaks on read. C = dumps RAM and VRAM inside under ./snaps. You may need this to debug or rip sprites.
TODO: Just clicking inside emulator window should select texture/sprite and save it under ./snaps.